atari 16bit
1th: VisualizeCheckpointAtari ST
2th: Coast II CoastSector OneAtari ST
2th: SVENTUREParadox (Atari)Atari ST
4th: Skate Or Die!Exceptions, the (TEX)Atari ST
atari 16bit graphics
1th: Annoying Guy, theukkoGraphics
2th: Pozdrawienia Do Gdanska505Atari ST
atari 16bit music
1th: Blink!CubeAtari ST
2th: Moodswinger505MP3
3th: HeftigTaoMP3
4th: ChipventureTomchiAtari ST
5th: Standard CrapYerzmyeyMP3
6th: Russian CarambaMarcerMP3
atari 8bit
1th: Silly ThingsJacAtari XL/XE
2th: ControlLaresistanceAtari XL/XE
3th: SaigontrilobitAtari 2600
4th: NSGN aka No Signal5oftAtari XL/XE
5th: InverseZilQAtari XL/XE
6th: SillyFillerNoiceAtari 2600
7th: TricksAgendaAtari XL/XE
8th: .plotSSGAtari XL/XE
9th: Wieczor KoledHenrykAtari XL/XE
atari 8bit covox music
1th: WolsPinMP3
2th: Gebofon WentylowanybookerMP3
atari 8bit graphics
1th: VampireKlausAtari XL/XE
2th: Dice of FateOozAtari XL/XE
3th: Zamek (Lhuven)LhuvenAtari XL/XE
4th: AldebaranPiesiuAtari XL/XE
5th: Whale ParadiseLhuvenAtari XL/XE
6th: ComixInnuendoAtari XL/XE
7th: Memento MoriInnuendoAtari XL/XE
atari 8bit music
1th: Sweet Chip EightiesJakub HusakMP3
2th: 3886 Days Ago505MP3
3th: VenturePinMP3
4th: CrazyPinMP3
5th: BarsastRingAtari XL/XE
6th: Spejs Invejder Too aka Space Invader TooAnimkomialsAtari XL/XE
atari falcon graphics
1th: Concordia VitaPiesiuGraphics
2th: Apple DayProtequeGraphics
atari falcon music
2th: amaiYerzmyeyMP3
 Silly Venture 2k10 InvitationMystic BytesAtari XL/XE
 SillyVenture 2k10 InvitroMystic BytesAtari ST